Hello & Welcome

Liquid Light Portraits is a modern, contemporary photographic studio, celebrating your family, creating stunning wall art that transforms your house into a home!

As we all know life can get somewhat busy and those special moments can pass you by without realising. Whether this is your first or third bub, each will deliver you an experience that is unique to this world. Your baby and family deserve to be captured at any stage. If ever there is a time to entrust yourself to the hands of a professional photographer, it is now!.  

At Liquid Light Portraits it’s all about being fresh and relevant in todays ever-changing world. I believe in stunning candid portraiture and creative studio portraits. Its not just about the ‘WOW’, it’s about you, your baby, your family. I love capturing your new baby, his/her milestones and what you love doing as a family.

Where do you love to go…. being at home reading a book, spending the day at the markets or beach. Alternatively your portrait session can be in a relaxed studio setting?.
What’s your story?

Internationally Awarded

What a difference a day makes...so your a local professional portrait photographer one day, then you wake up the next day to find you are a Internationally Awarded Professional Portrait Photographer!

What a difference a day makes...so your a local professional portrait photographer one day, then you wake up the next day to find you are a Internationally Awarded Professional Portrait Photographer!



Over the past 10 years Newborn Portraits have become increasingly popular and it is such a precious time to photograph your sweet beautiful newborn whilst its still ‘oh so tiny and sleepy’. If you blink you may just miss it!

Milestones - Babies

You will love seeing your baby having fun getting all covered in cake! Why not capture forever your soon to be 1yr old in all its sugary, messy cakesmash goodness!


Have you ever had professional family portraits? Everyone should have a reminder of how incredibly unique they are as a family. You will be able to pass down your photos as a family legacy for generations to come!


The Experience

Liquid Light Portraits is a modern, comtemporary photographic studio,

celebrating your family, creating stunning wall art

that transforms a house into your home!.

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My Story so far...

So why Liquid Light? Other than being an alternate photographic process...
I see Liquid Light everywhere...we cannot live without it!
The biggest source of Liquid Light to me is...the SUN!
With my camera (my Lightbox ) and the sun I am free to paint creating beautiful, simple and natural portraits.
Greek: Photos (light), Graphe (drawing), together; "Drawing with light".


Portrait Sessions

There are limited sessions
available at these prices
so BOOK NOW so you
Don’t Miss Out!

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Liquid Light Portraits is a Stand In Baby safe studio in Wynnum Brisbane.

Welcome to SIB

StandInBaby (SIB) is the world’s first and only newborn training aid with engineered joints that mirror range of movement of a real newborn baby.  Using newborn x-rays to overlay the foundation of the joints, SIB has been designed and developed in Australia then manufactured using high quality stainless steel joints and medical grade silicon skin.


Enjoy Your Art Now with PayRight

Buy now and choose when you would like to make interest free payments. Apply in-studio or on the go with a few simple taps on your phone.

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Please click here to leave your review.

Thanks heaps :)